
今天我们在中国推出了 Model S在线设计室,同时也正式公布了该车型的市场零售价。Model S 85 kWh在中国的起售价为人民币734,000元。

做出这样的定价策略对Tesla(特斯拉)而言需要相当的勇气。我们希望公平地对待中国消费者。如果按照汽车行业在中国的惯例, 我们完全可以把Model S在中国的价格定为美国的两倍以上。但我们决定不遵循惯例。也许某些人看到这个定价后会错误地认为:这说明Model S的价值不及竞争车型。

事实并非如此:Model cheap jerseys S荣获《汽车趋势》杂志“年度车型”奖、《消费者报告》杂志评出汽车历史上的最高分——99分(满分100分),美国高速公路安全管理局(NHTSA)给出有史以来的最佳评级。

Model S在中国定价之所以比竞争对手低很多,原因纯粹是我们希望像对待其他国家和地区的客户一样对待中国客户。也就是说,这款车型在中国的价格与在美国一致,多的只是不可避免的关税、运输费用和其他税费。我们甚至没有考虑货率波动和Tesla(特斯拉)将在全中国建设Supercharger充电网络(供免费使用)的费用。

我们做了一个果敢的决定,把中国的价格定在人民币734,000。我们深知这不合常规。我们更清楚原本定价可以更高。我们也预见到竞争对手将会试图诱导中国消费者,让他们认为我们较低的定价表明Model S逊色于他们的产品,而他们定价较高的真实原因是——他们在中国销售的每一辆车,利润是在美国或欧洲的两倍。



– Tesla(特斯拉)团队



81,070美元 (在美国的价格)
3,600美元 (运输与装卸)
19,000美元 (关税和其他税)
17,700美元 (增值税)





A Fair Price

Today we’re launching the Model S online design studio in China and announcing the price of the car. For Chinese customers, the price of the Model S with the premium 85 kWh battery pack is 734k CNY.

This pricing structure is something of a risk Two for Tesla, but we want to do the right thing wholesale nfl jerseys for Chinese consumers. If we were to follow standard industry practice, we could get away with charging twice as much for the Model S in China cheap nfl jerseys as we do in the US. But we’re doing things differently, even if it means that some people might look at the price and mistakenly think it must somehow mean the Model S has less value than its competitors.

Given that the Model S won the 2013 Motor Trend Car of the Year award, received the highest rating of any automobile in history from Consumer Reports (99 out of 100) and achieved the best possible US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration rating, that is certainly not the case.

Instead, the price of a Model S in China is much lower than its competitors simply because we want to treat our Chinese customers just as well as we’d treat customers in any other country. That means the price of a Model S in China is the same as the price of a Model S in the US, adding Introducing only unavoidable taxes, customs duties and transportation costs. We’re not even factoring in the cost of the free-to-use Supercharger network that Tesla will build across China.

734k CNY is a big risk for Tesla. We know it’s unconventional. We know we could charge more. We know that our competitors will try to convince Chinese consumers that our relatively lower price tag means the Model S is a lesser car, when the real reason their car costs more is that they make double the profit is per car in China compared to the United States or Europe.

But we decided porqué to take a chance anyway.

We care about fairness, and we care about transparency. We care about advancing the cause of electric cars in China. And we care about doing the right thing for our customers – no matter where they live.

– The Tesla Motors Team


Below is the exact math for 734k CNY:

$81,070 US price
$3,600 Shipping & handling
$19,000 Customs duties & taxes
$17,700 VAT
734k CNY @ 6.05 exchange rate




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